A Beginner’s Guide To Pool Maintenance
Proper Preparation of the Swimming Pool to be at its best.
When you know how your pool works, the best ways to care for it, and how to plan for it, you’ll be ready to solve just about any potential pool problem that floats your way.
1) Pool Filter System
The Pool Filter System of your pool is also its the heart.
It must always be clean, in excellent condition, accessible and any problems e.g. leaks to be visible.
If a component is detected that has a problem with its operation, you should replace it immediately, avoiding major damage.
At the same time, one of the most important questions to be asked is how long the pump and filter should run. The correct answer is 5 to 6 hours a day with frequent breaks so that our pump does not burn out.
- The pump
Your pool pump draws water keeps your water circulating, like your heart does with your blood. Your pool filter clears dirt and other contaminants from your water just like your liver filters last night’s cheese fries from your blood.
Both protect you and your pool from harm. Without a functioning filter system, your pool will soon be a cloudy, polluted, and unswimmable mess.
2) Cleaning
If it has proper circulation, you’ve already made cleaning your pool much easier. But you’ll still need to apply some good old-fashioned elbow grease. The basic tools you’ll need are:
3) Pool Chemicals
Pool chemistry might sound intimidating and complicated, but you don’t have to worry. While it is an essential part of effective pool maintenance and water care, basic pool chemistry is surprisingly straightforward.
- pH Levels:
The measure of how acidic or basic your pool water is. Low pH levels are acidic, while high levels are basic. The ideal range for your pool is 7.4 to 7.6.
- Alkalinity:
Works as a pH buffer and helps avoid huge spikes in basicity or acidity. The ideal range is 100 to 150 parts per million (ppm).
- Sanitizer Levels:
The amount of chlorine, bromine, etc. in your pool water. Proper levels vary depending on which type of sanitizer you choose.
Chlorine, Action Tablets, Algicide & Flocculant
For everything you need for your pool, click here.
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