Painting Furniture

Painting Furniture Is Not As Difficult As You Might Think.

I would like to suggest to start, if you have never done painting furniture, with a small chair. If you have managed that, go for a bigger piece of furniture. 
When you have followed the following steps, have a look at the video wish helps you a bit easier step by step.

1. Make sure you sand it first.

There are lots of tutorials out there that claim you don’t need to sand. There are also lots of primers and paints promising no sanding necessary. From what I have learned, sanding is a must. Sand all surfaces with sandpaper. Be careful not to gouge the surface: You’re just looking to rough it up a little so the primer has something to adhere to; you’re not trying to strip the surface. Use 80-grit if you are sanding a furnishing with an existing varnish. 

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