In case you change your mind about a purchase, you may cancel your order, by calling :26 222223.
It is a basic prerequisite to cancel the order on time, before the process of shipping has started. You can cancel an order the same day the order was placed, provided it is a working day (Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays).
In case you wish to return any purchased products, you may do so within 15 days from the date received.
The date that is on the courier receipt is considered the date of return of the product. The product can be returned to the store, whereas for returning it to the company through mail, you will be charged with the return shipping cost.
In order to make a return, please keep in mind the following:
a. The date of your order's delivery to the date of the submission of the return request should not exceed 15 calendar days.
b. The company's special marker and the product's tags should not be removed or damaged.
c. All product documents, such as packaging and receipt accompanying the product are part of the product and should be returned as well.
d. In case the product is accompanied by a gift, this should be returned as well.
e. The shipping package should be secure to prevent any damages during shipment. Our company will not be responsible for any loss or damage to the product shipped back to our company.
f. The package should be unopened and it should be in its original (manufactured) state.
You will get a refund within fourteen days, after receipt of returned products, or the order cancellation, in case you return a product, or cancel an order.